Introduction: In the 750 years of the Sumeru world, with the power of the ancient artifact Wansoul Mirror, Shannuo, the female devil of the golden rise, ruled the Sumeru continent, and regarded the Lijing tribe as ants, bloodthirsty and murderous. The warriors of Lijing Dungeon are waiting for the day, and the sword points to the restoration of the country. Xiao originally only wanted to live for love, but successively witnessed the tragic death of the clan leader Xiu Gong's daughter Rabbit in the brothel, his beloved Lu was wrongly killed by Jin Jue Wei Wen, and the Lijing clan was devastated. With the awakening of the hero, Xiao rekindled the belief of revenge for love and peace in the world, practiced asceticism, wanted to destroy the Wansoul Mirror that absorbed the blood of thousands of people and was guilty of deep sin, and also wanted to destroy the female devil Shang Nuo. A great battle, the curtain will open...