Introduction: In the process of rushing for the exam, Ning Caichen met six gangsters, grandma’s subordinate Xiaoying, and master Yixin Master Fashan. The six gangsters followed all the way to get a letter from Master Yixin and were still in the inn. Lost his life. Master Yixin found that Xiaoying was a demon, and wanted to subdue Xiaoying, but he missed the opportunity again and again when Ning Caichen blocked him. Ning Caichen always felt that Xiaoying was the Xiaoqian he had seen before. Along the way, Ning Caichen tried his best to help Xiaoying escape from Master Yixin. Xiaoying didn't understand why Ning Caichen kept helping her. Ning Caichen came to Lanruo Temple and met Yan Chixia, and Yixin and Fashan also came to Lanruo Temple. Ning Caichen saw Bandit Six wounded beside Yan Chixia, Bandit Six told the situation at the time. Bandix wanted to avenge her grandma. Ning Caichen Bandixiu and Master Yixin came to grandma's cave, Yixin fought with grandma, and Yan Chixia arrived. Master Yixin was unexpectedly possessed by his grandmother, and finally defeated her with the assistance of Senior Brother Yan Chixia.