Synopsis: The retired special forces "Wolf King" Long Wei gathers surviving comrades to avenge their brothers who were killed in a crime and become involved in an international crime. Five years ago, the leader of the international crime syndicate, the "Black Fox", bought the Fujikuni intelligence officer Sang Kun and set a trap for the blood wolf special forces unit, killing 12 special warfare elites abroad. The blood wolf team commander "Wolf King" Dragon Guard dormant for five years, reorganized the blood wolf trio team, and went to Teng Country to avenge his comrades. In the meantime, the three brothers Longwei, Ma Yue and Lu Dashan contacted Yatta, a new ally with a common goal, and jointly launched an operation to encircle Sangkun. At the same time, Dr. Haiya in the northern part of the country is developing a genetic weapon specifically for the Chinese-black poppy! Long Wei and others broke through the barriers, broke into the laboratory, and intercepted Dr. Haiya and the original solution formula. This battle had been a complete victory, but Yata suddenly turned his gun and pointed at Longwei, and a premeditated battle plan was quietly carried out. Just as the blood wolf team was about to break through the final hurdle, the wife of "borzoi" Ma Yue was kidnapped, and a demonstration in Fujikuni calling for former President Kun En to re-rule, behind this is a greater conspiracy! Long and Wei once again joined forces with Yatta and embarked on a new journey...